Diagnostic Interview
The first step of the evaluation process is a diagnostic interview. The diagnostic interview is a parents-only meeting in which we discuss your child’s current symptoms, the evolution of those symptoms over time, and, generally, their developmental history. Diagnostic interviews are currently being conducted remotely and the meeting takes approximately 60-75 minutes.
Testing Sessions
The second step of the process is the testing itself. With children, I generally schedule two testing sessions (probably 3-4 hours each, depending on the referral question). Your child would work with me to complete a battery of tests. This battery is designed to generate data which answer the questions at hand. I also spend ample time getting to know your child and helping them get comfortable with me and the testing process. Testing sessions are done in person with Covid-19 precautions in place.
Feedback Session
The final step in the process is the feedback session, which is a parents-only meeting. During this meeting I will explain the major findings of the evaluation and make recommendations. Shortly after the feedback session, I will provide you with a detailed report that summarizes all of the information. I have been conducting feedback sessions remotely. Typically, they take place about one month after all of the testing data are gathered. If your child is about 12 years old or older AND interested in meeting with me to debrief about the testing, I will happily meet with them! But, in my experience, it is best to meet with parents and child separately for feedback.