Confidentiality Form

Fill out the Confidentiality Form below and submit it to our office once fully complete. If you would rather print a copy of the form, fill it out, and bring it to the office, you can click the button below to download a copy of this form.

Communication between a patient and his or her psychologist is confidential, and we are bound by law and ethics to safeguard your personal health information. The psychologist may use your information as necessary for treatment and/or evaluation, billing, and healthcare operations involving your care.

Some state laws specify certain circumstances when a mental health professional may be required to break confidentiality. Please bear in mind that every effort will be made, as clinically appropriate, to discuss and/or resolve any issues before such a breach of confidentiality takes place, should the occasion ever arise. Breaking confidentiality is required under the following circumstances:

Confidentiality as it applies to minor children: In the case of minor children, the law may allow parents the right to examine treatment or evaluation records. Though you will be asked to be involved in and informed about your child’s progress, release of specific communications often can jeopardize a child or adolescent’s willingness to be forthcoming with her/his doctor or therapist. In order to both respect the confidential nature of your child’s information and facilitate the building of trust, your child’s doctor or therapist will ask you to agree to certain limits on the information that will be shared with you. Of course, if there are any concerns about potential dangerousness, you will be notified immediately.

"*" indicates required fields

Patients Name*
Date of Birth*
Clear Signature
Click/tap and drag your mouse, trackpad, or finger to make your signature.
MM slash DD slash YYYY